Open for you monthly dose of KBIS news! ![]()
EXHIBITOR UPDATE: MAY Thank you for exhibiting at KBIS 2019! Read below for this month's news.
SPONSORSHIPS The sponsorship gallery is now available, please go check out all the offerings. You'll notice it looks different than in the past! Some new features include filtering by sponsorship type, filtering by price, and a simple keyword search option. You can click on each offering to learn more. And now you can purchase items directly within the gallery or your exhibitor console. We'll be reaching out soon to discuss, but in the meantime if you have any questions about the offerings, feel free to reach out!
VOICES FROM THE INDUSTRY Reminder! Submissions for the 2019 Voices From The Industry close tomorrow, May 17. If you have not submitted already, please don't miss out on this opportunity to share a topic you are passionate about.
REGISTRATION & HOUSING Please mark your calendar. Exhibitor registration and housing for KBIS 2019 will open Tuesday, September 4. But don't worry if you forget, we'll send you a reminder!
TARGET MOVE-IN PLANS Be sure to reference the latest target plans so you are aware of your move-in dates. The latest versions can be viewed in the Exhibitor Service Center.
PRODUCT INNOVATOR AWARDS Kitchen & Bath Business, the official publication of KBIS, will once again honor superior product innovations in the kitchen and bath market. New this year, winners who are exhibitors at KBIS 2019 will receive signage in their booth to be placed next to the winning product on display. Enter your innovative new products!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! Best Regards, Companies A-E, #, Italy and Spain Companies F-N (400 NSF and above), France, Germany and Turkey Companies O-Z and Asia Companies F-N (100 – 300 NSF) #KBIS2019 |