Industry News

40 Things We Loved About HOW Design Live 2018

What an amazing week it was at HOW Design Live and HOW Marketing Live in Boston. If you were able to make it there this year, you know exactly what I mean. Amazing keynotes and breakout sessions, surprises galore, networking and parties and swag—what an adventure!

For those of you who weren’t there, and for those of you who were and just want to soak in some of the good stuff all over again, enjoy this roundup of the best quotes, takeaways and memories from HOW Design Live 2018, both from the HOW editorial team’s point of view and that of attendees who documented their experience on social.

Oh, and! Be sure to stay tuned for the official HOW Design Live 2018 photo galleries, and save the date for HOW Design Live 2019—May 7–10, 2019 in Chicago!

40 Things We Learned From and Loved About HOW Design Live 2018




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HOW Ambassadors@HOWambassador



 Let the party begin!













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HOW Design@HOWbrand



  “Don’t let someone tell you that you have value and then tell you that that value is zero.” @adamjk








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debbie millman




“We believe that timing is an art. But timing is really a science.” — @nytimes best-selling author @DanielPink is at !!!
















Ali Schwanke@alischwanke



 It’s subtle, but powerful. THIS is why packaging matters. Listen up. @HOWEvents @jkrGlobal















 We had a blast at 2018. Highlights: collecting swag, meeting new friends, and in the @IntlPaperCo booth.









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Carbon Design System@_carbondesign



 A huge thank you to @HOWbrand for this beautiful award. So honored to be recognized. Congratulations to all the other winners!












Adam J. Kurtz talking about the importance of personal work (for both fun and profit).


Amy Schwartz, who specializes in branding and digital experiences as creative director at Bright Bright Great and previously was the design director at Cards Against Humanity and Blackbox, spoke at HOW Design Live about how we can become the mentors we wish we had.






Congratulations to all the winners who won the HOW and PRINT booth drawing for a free HOW Design University certificate program!


Lots of relaxation and recharging (and fun!) happened at the HOW and PRINT booth!




Thanks for sharing Amanda Aszman with 🙂
