Industry News

The Power of Empowering Yourself to Take Risks

Keynote speaker Edel Rodriguez knows risk—and the powerful rewards that result when you embrace it in your creative work.

Today, Edel Rodriguez is known for his searing political commentary, his brilliant art and his bold design—but none of it came easy. And none of it came without risk.

At HOW Design Live 2020, Rodriguez will deliver a keynote that shares his powerful story, which has its roots in his native Cuba. 

As he details, “For my family, emigrating from Cuba to America was worth the risk. In my work, expressing my point of view has always been worth the risk. Too often, we are quiet, we don’t speak up, and we do what’s expected of us—because we are afraid of the risks involved. However, every time we don’t share our point of view, a piece of us dies.” 

It’s easy to tell ourselves that the path of least resistance and taking refuge in our comfort zones is the best approach to our work—but Rodriguez is proof positive that when we empower ourselves to take on challenges and put ourselves out there, there’s often no better place we can be.

You might know Rodriguez’s work from Time, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Broadway or his two children’s books. In this keynote, you’ll hear the philosophy that underpins it all—and how we too can rely on risk, rather than run from it. 

Join us Oct. 26–29 for the rescheduled HOW Design Live. We promise, it’ll have been worth the wait.
