The Reflex Blue Show was at HOW Design Live in Nashville and recorded some great podcasts. Check them all out below.
Day 1 Recap with guests Justin Ahrens, David C. Baker, Michael Bierut, Bill Gardner, Darcy Hinrichs, Gary Kopervas, Emily Mills, Stefan Mumaw, and Calvin Ng.
Day 2 Recap with guests Bill Gardner, Stephen Gates, Emily Mills, Jessica Neblett, Jenny Reed, and Stefan Sagmeister.
Day 3 Recap with guests with Steve Gibbs, Shayna Kulik, Karen Larson, Jamie Saunders, and Keith Smith.
Here are a few bonus podcasts they did with a few of our speakers.
Jenn Lederer Interview
Bill Gardner Interview
Alice Waterman & Rebecca Williams Interview
Shayna Kulik Interview
Emily Mills Interview
Jada Britto Interview
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