The 2019 Conference was all about the future, and honestly, we spend a lot of time not only thinking about where package design and branding is heading, but how we’re going to get there. How can the most creative brands in the world push our world forward while creating sustainable, innovative, and proprietary customer experiences?
Sustainability was front and center at this year’s conference as Dieline founder Andrew Gibbs spoke about his personal journey with plastic addiction, and how designers can move toward a plastic-free future. Additionally, a panel convened on the future of sustainable packaging featuring Lush Cosmetics Head of Earthcare and Engineering Giles Verdon, A Plastic Plant’s Sian Sutherland, Neal Haussel of Iggesund Paperboard, and Pearlfisher Head of Realization Brandi Parker. In one of her final speaking appearances before her untimely passing, Karen Welman, founding creative partner at Pearlfisher, also spoke about the impact of plastic waste.
There was also plenty of inspiration and future-forward talks from JKR CEO Sara Hyman, Brand New’s Armin Vit, and Pentagram partner Natasha Jen. Design Army co-founder Pum Lefebure sat down for a Q&A where she answered ALL of our reader’s most burning questions, and Dirty Lemon’s Zak Normandin and Gary Vaynerchuk partner Phil Toronto spoke about the challenges of the cannabis market. Oh, and Snoop Dog made an appearance during Wieden+Kennedy’s Noreen Morioka and Nicole Jacek inspiring talk.
For the 2020 Dieline Conference, we’ll further discuss sustainability, and some of the leading minds across the packaging design industry will be joining us. This will be the second part of our ongoing discussion with solution-driven speakers and experts who are looking to change the status quo and innovate across the world of packaging.
Dieline Conference will return once again to HOW Design Live this upcoming May for its ninth year. Stay tuned for a full speaker line-up.